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Showing posts from February, 2018

Your Ideas

In English this week, Thursday 22/2 P4, and Friday 23/2, P5 we are going to work to  develop and show our  ideas about the theme of our new unit, called'Making a Difference'. I would also value your input and suggestions for our teaching and learning about this complex theme. You may  well have some great ideas about stories, articles, songs, films, videos that you may like to suggest and discuss. I am looking forward to those conversations. All of your work is in the Hpara Workspace. 'Making a Difference'

Preparing For Asttle Writing

We are preparing for Asttle Writing- writing to describe for our beginning of year assessment. We have been working together in groups looking at picture prompts and using the 5 senses to help us identify ways in which we could respond to what the image is about. We have been using the strategy of 'visualizing' ourselves just out of the picture frame to draw a more meaning from the picture as we can think about what we could feel, hear or see in the image. Tomorrow Tuesday 13/2 in  P1 we have the PAT Reading Comprehension assessment. On Thursday 15/2 in P4 we have the AsTTle writing assessment. All of the resources  you may need to help you with this assessment can be found in your Hapara Workspace Beginning of Year  Link  HERE

Welcome to English 10WL

Welcome to English in 2018. In the first two weeks of this term we will be working to prepare for the beginning of the year assessment. The outline of what we are going to do is below. I am looking forward to working and learning with you this year.