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Showing posts from June, 2018

Connections Assessment

In week 6 Term 2 you will begin your assessment work for making connections. This task is in your workspace. The work that you have done in exploring and writing about the connections across two texts, one of which you have selected yourselves will be very useful in your work in preparing for this assessment. We will go over the task in class, and there will be time for questions and clarifications about what is expected. All class time will now be dedicated to the is assessment and you will all need to make a firm commitment to working on this task in your own time. I will also set daily goals to help you stay on track and to work on your planning questions. This is where your essay will prove most valuable. Remember to use all of the resources in our workspace to help you develop your ideas as you prepare for this assessment. All of the work can be found in your workspace. Making A Difference Connections Task