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Hope Against Hope

Welcome back to Term 2. I hope that you have all had a restful and enjoyable break with family and friends.
This week we are going to begin to respond to some of the significant chapters in our novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. The chapter that we are going to reread, discuss and respond to is called,'Hope Against Hope'. This is a powerful chapter that has a very important message.

We will continue to develop our reading skills by reading a different text each week and respond to this text in a variety of ways. This week we are going to continue to develop our summarizing skills.
We will use an article from the Press about the reopening of The Kennedy's Bush Track in the Port Hills. We will also look at the ways being in the outdoors can make a difference to people's moods and feelings.

All of this work can be found in the Hapara workspace.

The link to the Hapara workspace


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